
Showing posts from April, 2015


Go into a random store the day before a major holiday like Christmas or Easter, or days set aside to remember and honor those we love -- Valentine's Day, Mothers' Day and Fathers' Day -- and you’ll no doubt find a shelf filled with dubious looking items for sale (like a scented candle in the shape of a mini cupcake or a necktie sporting a pheasant) underneath a sign touting them as ‘Last Minute Gift Ideas.’ I’ve even seen one that read  ‘Last Minute Gifts for that Special Someone’  Listen – if that someone was THAT special, why would you wait until the dead last minute to buy them a gift (limited incomes and off pay weeks notwithstanding)? Yes, nothing says ‘I Love You’ like a tiny lump of wax resembling pastry, a gaudy tie, or some other lame item from the Clearance section of your local WalMart. Or how about this one? Have you ever been told by someone: “I asked all my other friends if they wanted to come with me to ­­_____  (fill in the blank...

Wisdom for the Way

Whether the journey is effortless or challenging, the landscape lush or barren; Whether the path is uncertain or familiar, the terrain rocky or smooth; Whether the seas are stormy or calm, the skies cloudy or clear; Whether the cup is full or near empty, the drink bitter or sweet; Whether the future is bright with promise or hidden in shadows And you’re overwhelmed with joy or dread…. Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. ~ Proverbs 3:5-6